One Small Act
By Ashley

A couple of days ago, I flew back from my daughter’s college Friends and Family Weekend. I loved every minute of getting to spend time with her and my parents.

On my way home, I traveled with Alaska Airlines. I had never flown Alaska before, and much to my chagrin, the plane was not equipped with in-seat monitors. I know it’s a modern convenience, but for a 5½ hour flight, some entertainment does help the time go by faster. When I realized I had Alaska’s app on my phone with free wi-fi, I had a silent little celebration. I was going to be able to watch movies on my phone. About halfway into my flight, my neck started to get sore from looking down at my little phone screen. I stretched and rubbed it.

Without saying a word, the guy in the aisle seat next to mine reached over and took the brochure from my seat pocket. He folded the top down and then folded the bottom of that top up, making a little lip. He then put it back in the seat pocket and placed my phone on it. I thanked him and did another little silent celebration. I could now watch my movie without getting a tech neck!

A few minutes later, the lady beside me looked up from her phone. I showed her what he had done for me, and soon she, too, was happily watching her movie pain-free!

I know it’s a little thing and definitely a first-world problem that I was having, but that one small act of kindness from a complete stranger made my life and the life of another complete stranger better for a little while. I am thankful!

Would you be willing to reach out to a complete stranger and offer a hand? Kindness is so very cool, and one small act can and does make a big difference!

Until next time… Stay kind! Share a little or a lotta love every day!
