Happy Birthday to my little brother! By Ashley
Last month was my little brother’s birthday. I didn’t forget it, I promise! Life has been A LOT lately, but it should calm down a bit now.
Andy is four years younger than me, and people can definitely tell we are siblings because we both received the end result of the red hair gene. Red Hair! While mine has lots of blonde in it, Andy’s is a gorgeous deep auburn. Andy has always been a man of few words. However, when he was little, he could play for hours and hours by himself, talking to himself. Allow me to explain. From a very young age, he loved sports…especially football. So much so that I remember him playing out entire football games in our playroom; he was every player on both teams, the announcers, and the crowd. I had no idea what the heck he was actually talking about, but he sounded like he was having a blast! When he wasn’t involved in a full-on re-creation of a football game, he would have roadways of matchbox cars all over the house. He used the carpet indentations to create the paths; each car had its’ own driver, and he would be the voice of each driver. I still had no idea what the heck he was talking about, but this time, I knew a story was involved. Whoa be unto anyone who messed up his roads or his cars! For you were tampering with the story. What an imagination!
Now, my little brother is all grown up and has a beautiful real-life story and family. Three boys! Yes, three! God bless his wife, Bree! He still is a sports fanatic, and one of his favorite things to do is to watch his boys play baseball. And boy, do they ever play! And play, and play, and play!
Although his middle son, Ryan, REALLY wants a dog, Andy would prefer a koala bear. His favorite food is “anything on the grill.” And his favorite color, teal, matches the water of the places he would most like to visit. The Excumas, Fiji, and Maldives, just to name a few.
He says that life definitely exists beyond Earth. He has seen hard evidence in the vast Georgia country night sky. But I’ll save that story for another day. 😊
True to form, love can be summed up in one word for Andy - Family. ❤️
Happy Birthday, Andy, man of few words! My wish for you is to be oh-so HAPPY this upcoming year! I love you!