Look at the world with quiet eyes By Ashley
Recently I was reading an article, and the author quoted Howard Thurman, who said, “Look at the world with quiet eyes.” I thought, what a lovely way of thinking, and how does one go about doing this? When I was little, I used to scrunch up my eyes and peer at the world. Things turned fuzzy, calm, and, yes, seemed more quiet. Now, I’m pretty sure this is not quite what the brilliant Mr. Thurman had in mind when he said this, but then again, was I, being my silly self and squinting at the world, really that off base?
Think about it; the world is CRAZY noisy right now! Quite honestly, it’s abrasive, and so much of the noise, I just don’t understand. But when I think about looking at the world with quiet eyes, colors pop, things get calmer, suddenly good emerges, and the chaos melts into soft fuzziness, eventually leaving space for love.
I encourage you to give some thought to “looking at the world through quiet eyes.” What, if anything, does this quote mean to you? Leave a comment below. 🙂
I also encourage you to check out this website about Howard Thurman. He was a human quite ahead of his time, and our world could definitely use more like him!