Happy Birthday! Cha-cha-cha!
By Ashley

I love birthdays and think they are very important! I also love cards, especially Papyrus cards! With that said, I’m pretty terrible at actually putting a card in the mailbox. I think I have undiagnosed Xinxiangphobia- the fear of mailboxes. I literally have stacks of unmailed birthday cards. It’s pretty ridiculous.

So, I have decided to feature my immediate family members during their birthday month to wish them happy birthday and let the world (or the 15 people actually reading this blog 😉 ) know just how amazing I think my family is. No mailboxes involved! It’s a win, win!

First up, Gabi. My insanely cute and oh-so-witty stepdaughter just turned 14! Gabi, an 8th grader, loves to chill and play volleyball. She has a wickedly good serve! Her favorite color is a cross between lavender and violet. Her favorite foods are Takis, strawberries and peaches, but don’t even think about offering her pickles or eggs or a combination of the two! She has a cat and a bunny but would not mind having a dog. She agrees that life on other planets is possible.

When asked what the word love means to her, she says it’s appreciation and care.

My birthday wish for Gabi is for her to know she is just as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside!
