About Me
By Ashley

Who am I?

I am a multi-passionate lifelong learner. My Aries mug sitting on my desk holding my once-hot Tension Tamer tea tells me I am positive, ambitious, and lively. I hope this is true.

I am a momma.

I love my kids. The way in which all four of them came into my life is quite beautiful. That is a story for another day.

I am a teacher.

I love kids and their perspective on this world and the worlds that might be. I love their honesty and the way they really see. I gave 24 years of my life to hang out with them, to guide them and share my passions with them in the hope that they might find their own.

I love yoga. It is a healing way of life for me. I had to share it, so I learned to teach it.

I am a storyteller.

I love theatre; community theatre in particular. Acting, singing, dancing, costumes, props, cue to cues, blocking, rehearsals…there is just something so much fun and grounding about making believe!

I love to write. Stories rattle around in my head pretty much all the time. Thank goodness for pen and paper, and computers!

I am grateful.

Having two strokes at a relatively early age in my life made me realize how precious life is. That is not a cliche, life is precious. Every moment we have is a gift.

The way we treat ourselves, and others does matter. I think the more loving and kinder we are to ourselves, the more we have to give to others. In turn, making things in this sloppy, beautiful, messed up world turned upside down, just a little… or maybe a lot better.

Everyday Love

What is Everyday Love you might ask? Well, Everyday Love is just that, messages sending a little love into the world for every day. Simple, clean, unconditional love.

Why Everyday Love? I am what one might call a HSP, or a highly sensitive person. Fortunately and sometimes unfortunately I feel things at a deeper level than most people. So, with the world in the shape it’s in right now…and I am talking bout ALL THE THINGS…I have found myself stressed, strung out, often times beside myself, sometimes angry, sometimes weeping, sometimes angrily weeping and just genuinely sad for ALL THOSE DAMN THINGS, most of which I have absolutely no control over.

I do, however, have control over my own ecosystem, which I have been trying to balance with yoga, meditation, prayer, meditation that turns into prayer, tapping, walking, volunteering at a mini cat town (very cool,more to come)…you get it…ALL THOSE OTHER THINGS. And it just hasn’t been enough to lift the genuine sadness.

Marianne Williamson said, “Anytime you try to be a loving person, you are putting love into the world.” I know that a lot of other people have blogs on positivity, love, gratitude and all the good things…I subscribe to some (don’t worry, I’ll share)…so I’m just adding a bit more…love…simple, clean, unconditional love to the world. Hoping, along with all those other positive lovely people, that I too might make a difference.